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31 顶部 营销 想法 和 提示 至 生长 您的 牙科 实践

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从利润强国的角度来看,牙科行业可能觉得有必要注销 2020-21 年;然而,这个惊天动地的时代为行业内的发展创造了空间。

对于潜在的患者“Zooming”、“Skyping”和“Google Meeting”,许多人大部分时间都在照镜子——或网络摄像头——并注意到他们的“咬人”。很自然,这扩大了市场,未来几年我们可能会看到微笑美学部门的更多支出。

根据 的数据,2019 年,估计消费者在牙科服务上的支出超过 30 亿英镑——平均每户 3270 英镑。因此,面对牙科行业的快速变化,我们汇总了“ 31 个顶级牙科营销理念”,以确保您的企业在该(无糖)馅饼中获得应有的份额。




2. 了解自己和理想的患者受众







89% 的购物者对具有共同价值观的品牌保持忠诚。(芬德拉)



任何营销策略都必须包括牙科 SEO(搜索引擎优化)。只需询问任何年轻的专业人​​士,他们最后一次使用任何其他方法寻找企业是什么时候。

我们生活在一个身临其境的数字时代。如果没有 SEO 策略,您可能拥有世界上最好的实践,但您不会出现在主要搜索引擎中,以获取对您的品牌最重要的关键短语。绝大多数英国人口都可以访问网络,并将使用 Google 立即找到他们正在寻找的内容。92% 的搜索者不会滚动到第一页,因此密切关注您的 Google 排名并与您的网络开发人员保持良好关系至关重要。在此处了解有关牙科 SEO 的更多信息。


了解买家漏斗并投资于 PPC 可以帮助引导人们访问您的目标网页(它也可能会提高您的自然排名)。

当您查看搜索结果页面时,您会看到前几个结果是广告。这些是使用 PPC 策略出现在搜索顶部的网站。低于此值的任何内容都是有机排名,搜索引擎根据其算法认为该网站是最合适的。


在您的搜索者准备好做出决定时,通过 Google AdWords 对这些高意向关键字进行竞标将使您的网站登上榜首。定位较长的关键字也不太具有竞争力,因此转化成本不高且更好 – 不仅如此,通过您的网站访问的访问者越多,您的自然排名可能性就越高。



无论您使用紧急关键字作为牙科 SEO 活动的一部分,还是您的 PPC 策略,重要的是要认识到许多未注册的患者在需要紧急预约时会搜索牙科诊所。虽然这不是您的牙科乌托邦梦想,但保持乐观并考虑这些患者一生中的未来潜力至关重要。使用诸如“破损填充物”或“急诊牙医”之类的关键字可能会让您看起来更受这些搜索者的欢迎。

7. 谷歌我的商家

有没有想过为什么通用搜索会为您提供与您所在位置相关的答案?他们使用了“Google 我的商家”。

通过“Google 我的商家”,您可以通过注册您的公司地址、营业时间和所有重要的联系方式来提升您在当地的在线形象。由于搜索引擎可能是潜在患者的第一个接触点,因此您必须将基于位置的搜索作为营销策略的一部分。此外,GMB 拥有一些强大的工具,例如添加照片以使您的品牌立即流行,以及呼叫按钮、地图、评论等。 点击这里开始。

8. 移动搜索市场

据谷歌称,53% 的医疗搜索是使用移动设备完成的。

使用 Google Ads,您可以通过来电专用广告专门定位移动用户。对于我们中间的极客来说,我们知道谷歌在他们的搜索算法中更加注重移动友好性。因此,无论 Google 在网站中寻找什么,都可以很好地表明您的搜索者在做什么。

您不仅可以为移动设备提供功能,还可以包含“呼叫”CTA(号召性用语),它将呼叫引导至您的实践。包括这个强大的 CTA 为任何想要联系的人提供了最少的阻力。


赢得 Google 答案游戏意味着即使是最不耐烦的搜索者也能吸引注意力,同时将您的在线个人资料定位为“主题专家”。


进入答案箱似乎是一件神秘的事情。但是,在与 Google 合作时,您需要记住他们的工作是为任何查询寻找并找到最相关的答案。因此,Google Answer Box 使用简短、简洁的答案、列表或表格的格式。

您可以使用 关键字跟踪器 或 UberSuggest  chrome 扩展等免费工具来查找相关关键字。此外,请确保您网站内容中的 H1 和 H2 标签提供简短、简洁的答案,并且在您的网站内容中明确定义任何列表项,作为对潜在患者问题的答案。



越来越多的人涉足语音搜索。这是一个缓慢的增长——并且有点“非英国”的行为趋势——但我们正在到达那里。您可以通过了解语音查询与键入查询的不同之处来增强您的语音搜索效果。例如,牙科患者的语音查询会提出非常具体的问题,例如“谁?”、“在哪里?” 如何?”。确保您的网站内容回答这些问题将使您更有可能出现在语音搜索中。


了解 Google Analytics 的内部运作将使您更深入地了解您的患者正在寻找什么。

分析不仅有助于检查您的网站是否适合您。查看您最受欢迎的页面(和最不受欢迎的页面)将向您展示您的患者的兴趣所在。您不仅可以查看经常访问的页面,还可以查看您的受众在该页面上花费的时间以及页面跳出率。如果您的患者在特定页面上花费的时间更长,这可能是购买意图的一个很好的指标,并为您指明成功的营销活动的方向。点击此处开始使用 Google Analytics 。

12. 电子邮件营销


您将熟悉通过电子邮件发送约会提醒。令人惊讶的是,少数牙科诊所会向他们的患者群发送通讯。您应该每年至少发送 4 封电子邮件通讯以保持难忘。

如果您正在寻找复杂的自动化电子邮件营销策略,请查看ActiveCampaignDengro。这些平台可以根据意图向您的查询发送电子邮件。例如,如果您收到 Invisalign 询问 – 这些系统可以按顺序触发自动跟进电子邮件,以帮助“温暖”您的潜在客户。这可以节省您的员工时间并提高跟进的可靠性。自动电子邮件应该简短、有教育意义,并且最好包含视频。

13. 内容营销


如果您正在阅读本文,那么您正在查看内容。撰写定期博客文章、列表文章或常见问题解答是吸引新访问者访问您网站的绝佳方式。它可以让您对自己的写作风格更加灵活,并使您能够挑选和选择您正在竞争的关键字。在撰写博客或文章时,请始终记住将相关信息反向链接到您的网站以获得更好的 SEO。

需要灵感吗?– 试试我们的“杀手级 博客标题生成器”,寻找创意火花来帮助您入门。

14. 权威内容——博客文章



写作的另一个巨大优势是有机会反向链接到您的网站——非常适合 SEO。不过要小心,GDC不喜欢使用“专家”这个词,所以请小心避开任何用来描述您的术语,这些术语表明您优于其他牙科专业人士。

15. 邀请客座作家



16. 社交媒体营销


社交媒体平台使广告变得尽可能简单和可预测。尽管我们中的许多人偶尔会担心这些媒体巨头收集了多少数据,但正是这些数据使它们成为向特定合格目标受众投放广告的最佳方式之一。只需单击几下,您就可以针对您希望提升的治疗方法定位正确的地理位置以及有亲和力的受众。我们的创始人Shaz Memon 的《牙医 Instagram》一书是必读的!

17. 社交媒体帖子



18. Facebook Messenger Ads – 一个聪明的对话启动器

Facebook Messenger 广告相对较新,但只是一个小天才,它显示了带有直接消息 CTA(号召性用语)的定向广告和 Messenger 应用程序本身内的赞助广告。

73% 的客户更喜欢通过实时聊天而不是电子邮件与公司交谈。–

56% 的人宁愿给你发信息也不愿打电话给你寻求客户服务。- Facebook。



如果您希望提升“Y 世代”或“Z 世代”(1980-2012 年出生的人)的影响力,Instagram 就是您的平台。

我们是视觉动物,Instagram 是您展示您作为实践、临床医生和团队所提供的服务的舞台,同时保持专业标准。让自己熟悉可用的各种工具,并确保在保持明确的“语气”的同时,混合内容以向当前患者和潜在患者展示自己。

专注于您 Instagram 帐户上的“9 的力量”,您的理想客户将希望关注您的帐户并与之互动。- 沙兹梅蒙。

公司创始人Shaz Memon写了一篇精彩而有见地的文章,讲述了《福布斯》中 9 的 Instagram 力量。您有 9 个图片帖子,不到 0.2 秒就可以给人留下深刻印象。您的理想受众是否看到了他们需要的一切?阅读 此处的文章 以找出答案。

20. 网站旅程优化



21. 始终包含 CTA(号召性用语)


这似乎不言自明,但如果您希望人们给您打电话,您需要一个带有电话链接的“立即呼叫”按钮,这样他们就不需要拨打号码。同样,如果您希望他们填写联系表,您需要一个带有直接链接到您的联系表页面的按钮。您的用户讨厌寻找联系信息。阅读我们的“牙科网站设计五步指南(任何人都可以遵循) ”



22. 视频广告




  • 演示视频– 尝试演示透明矫正器治疗等的工作原理。
  • 品牌视频– 分享您对企业的高层次愿景、使命和核心信念。
  • 教育– 做牙线示范!
  • 感言– 尝试拍摄一些简洁的视频,让您的患者露出笑容!

在这里查看我们的智能手机 DIY 制作视频研讨会

23. 患者转诊




24. 患者转诊奖励



在定期就诊的患者的一生中谈论您的净收入可能会让人感觉不自然,但请退后一步,想想如果您的患者中只有 10% 的患者推荐了朋友,那么它的价值!

25. 在线评论和推荐


这需要一点工作和鼓励。平均而言,只有 28% 的人会在获得良好体验后写出正面评价。但是,如果您确实主动进行评论,您将随着时间的推移获得结果。有几件事需要考虑优化让您的患者参与其中的机会:

  • 使过程尽可能快速和直接
  • 炫耀他们!将它们发布在社交媒体上,制作视频说谢谢。
  • 鼓励在著名网站上放置——潜在的患者很可能会在进门或打电话之前搜索您的业务。

阅读:如何使用三个易于理解的电子邮件模板在六个月内收集 100 条 Google 评论

26. 竞争对手比较

SWOT 分析、PEST 分析,或者只是看看你的竞争对手。



27. Leaflet Drop – 做一个介绍



28. 患者数据收集


这听起来像是另一个 21 世纪的宠儿。但是,如果您希望发展业务并寻找新患者,最好的信息来源是您的新患者和现有患者。新患者可以告诉您他们是如何找到您的,并亲眼看到哪些营销方法对您有效。目前的患者可以告诉您他们喜欢您和您的牙医团队的哪些方面,以便您可以充分发挥自己的优势。



29. 社区活动——参与进来。




30. 市场结果——不是服务




额外提示 – 我们将最好的保存到最后!

31. 令人瞠目结舌的牙科网页设计

您有不到 5 秒的时间让患者决定留下来并在您的网站上投入时间,或者离开 – 不要成为巨大的跳出率问题的一部分!

如前所述,您的潜在患者几乎没有耐心!作为 Digimax Dental 的创始人,Shaz Memon说:“当网站访问者失去耐心时,牙医最终会失去患者。” 确保您的网站旨在通过可靠的记录帮助您取得成功。Digimax 专注于定制 UX(用户体验)和 UI(用户界面),以在这些重要时刻获得绝对最佳的“WOW”因素。在享有盛誉的私人牙科奖牙科奖中获奖的每个网站都是Digimax

最好使用了解您市场复杂细节的牙科网站设计公司,并可以帮助您处理业务的多个方面,例如牙科营销、牙科 SEO牙科视频动画,以获得完整的软件包。






    Dale King

    Telephone: 0034 605 457 342 (9.00am – 5.00pm) Monday-Friday
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    2) Transactions between you and the writer are your responsibility and not the concern of Digimax.
    3) You are not obligated to use this writer to qualify for the £300 towards your writing bill.
    4) Your total spend on the writer may exceed £300 depending on the amount of content you have written together.
    5) To be eligible for the £300 writing grant, you must complete your website content within two months of starting and launch your website within six months of starting.
    6) The free tools provided on this page are provided as is and do not come with a guarantee of accuracy or being up to date.
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    2) Transactions between you and the writer are your responsibility and not the concern of Digimax.

    3) You are not obligated to use this writer to qualify for the £300 towards your writing bill.

    4) Your total spend on the writer may exceed £300 depending on the amount of content you have written together.

    5) To be eligible for the £300 writing grant, you must complete your website content within two months of starting and launch your website within six months of starting.

    6) The free tools provided on this page are provided as is and do not come with a guarantee of accuracy or being up to date.

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    2) Transactions between you and the writer are your responsibility and not the concern of Digimax.

    3) You are not obligated to use this writer to qualify for the £300 towards your writing bill.

    4) Your total spend on the writer may exceed £300 depending on the amount of content you have written together.

    5) To be eligible for the £300 writing grant, you must complete your website content within two months of starting and launch your website within six months of starting.

    6) The free tools provided on this page are provided as is and do not come with a guarantee of accuracy or being up to date.
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    Ayesha Zaka
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    2) Transactions between you and the writer are your responsibility and not the concern of Digimax.
    3) You are not obligated to use this writer to qualify for the £300 towards your writing bill.
    4) Your total spend on the writer may exceed £300 depending on the amount of content you have written together.
    5) To be eligible for the £300 writing grant, you must complete your website content within two months of starting and launch your website within six months of starting.
    6) The free tools provided on this page are provided as is and do not come with a guarantee of accuracy or being up to date.
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    1) This writer is not affiliated or endorsed by Digimax and should not be considered a recommendation.

    2) Transactions between you and the writer are your responsibility and not the concern of Digimax.

    3) You are not obligated to use this writer to qualify for the £300 towards your writing bill.

    4) Your total spend on the writer may exceed £300 depending on the amount of content you have written together.

    5) To be eligible for the £300 writing grant, you must complete your website content within two months of starting and launch your website within six months of starting.

    6) The free tools provided on this page are provided as is and do not come with a guarantee of accuracy or being up to date.

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    2) Transactions between you and the writer are your responsibility and not the concern of Digimax.

    3) You are not obligated to use this writer to qualify for the £300 towards your writing bill.

    4) Your total spend on the writer may exceed £300 depending on the amount of content you have written together.

    5) To be eligible for the £300 writing grant, you must complete your website content within two months of starting and launch your website within six months of starting.

    6) The free tools provided on this page are provided as is and do not come with a guarantee of accuracy or being up to date.
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    Dylan James
    Telephone: 07594 334 408 (10.00am – 6.00pm) Monday-Friday
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    2) Transactions between you and the writer are your responsibility and not the concern of Digimax.
    3) You are not obligated to use this writer to qualify for the £300 towards your writing bill.
    4) Your total spend on the writer may exceed £300 depending on the amount of content you have written together.
    5) To be eligible for the £300 writing grant, you must complete your website content within two months of starting and launch your website within six months of starting.
    6) The free tools provided on this page are provided as is and do not come with a guarantee of accuracy or being up to date.
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    1) This writer is not affiliated or endorsed by Digimax and should not be considered a recommendation.

    2) Transactions between you and the writer are your responsibility and not the concern of Digimax.

    3) You are not obligated to use this writer to qualify for the £300 towards your writing bill.

    4) Your total spend on the writer may exceed £300 depending on the amount of content you have written together.

    5) To be eligible for the £300 writing grant, you must complete your website content within two months of starting and launch your website within six months of starting.

    6) The free tools provided on this page are provided as is and do not come with a guarantee of accuracy or being up to date.

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    I understand and agree to the following:
    1) This writer is not affiliated or endorsed by Digimax and should not be considered a recommendation.

    2) Transactions between you and the writer are your responsibility and not the concern of Digimax.

    3) You are not obligated to use this writer to qualify for the £300 towards your writing bill.

    4) Your total spend on the writer may exceed £300 depending on the amount of content you have written together.

    5) To be eligible for the £300 writing grant, you must complete your website content within two months of starting and launch your website within six months of starting.

    6) The free tools provided on this page are provided as is and do not come with a guarantee of accuracy or being up to date.
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    Edward Melaert
    I understand and agree to the following:
    1) This writer is not affiliated or endorsed by Digimax and should not be considered a recommendation.
    2) Transactions between you and the writer are your responsibility and not the concern of Digimax.
    3) You are not obligated to use this writer to qualify for the £300 towards your writing bill.
    4) Your total spend on the writer may exceed £300 depending on the amount of content you have written together.
    5) To be eligible for the £300 writing grant, you must complete your website content within two months of starting and launch your website within six months of starting.
    6) The free tools provided on this page are provided as is and do not come with a guarantee of accuracy or being up to date.
    Show contact details
    I understand and agree to the following:
    1) This writer is not affiliated or endorsed by Digimax and should not be considered a recommendation.
    2) Transactions between you and the writer are your responsibility and not the concern of Digimax.

    3) You are not obligated to use this writer to qualify for the £300 towards your writing bill.

    4) Your total spend on the writer may exceed £300 depending on the amount of content you have written together.

    5) To be eligible for the £300 writing grant, you must complete your website content within two months of starting and launch your website within six months of starting.

    6) The free tools provided on this page are provided as is and do not come with a guarantee of accuracy or being up to date.
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    I understand and agree to the following:
    1) This writer is not affiliated or endorsed by Digimax and should not be considered a recommendation.

    2) Transactions between you and the writer are your responsibility and not the concern of Digimax.

    3) You are not obligated to use this writer to qualify for the £300 towards your writing bill.

    4) Your total spend on the writer may exceed £300 depending on the amount of content you have written together.

    5) To be eligible for the £300 writing grant, you must complete your website content within two months of starting and launch your website within six months of starting.

    6) The free tools provided on this page are provided as is and do not come with a guarantee of accuracy or being up to date.
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    Amanda Dexter

    Telephone: 07714 389 666 (10.00am – 6.00pm) Monday-Friday
    I understand and agree to the following:
    1) This writer is not affiliated or endorsed by Digimax and should not be considered a recommendation.
    2) Transactions between you and the writer are your responsibility and not the concern of Digimax.
    3) You are not obligated to use this writer to qualify for the £300 towards your writing bill.
    4) Your total spend on the writer may exceed £300 depending on the amount of content you have written together.
    5) To be eligible for the £300 writing grant, you must complete your website content within two months of starting and launch your website within six months of starting.
    6) The free tools provided on this page are provided as is and do not come with a guarantee of accuracy or being up to date.
    Show contact details
    I understand and agree to the following:
    1) This writer is not affiliated or endorsed by Digimax and should not be considered a recommendation.

    2) Transactions between you and the writer are your responsibility and not the concern of Digimax.

    3) You are not obligated to use this writer to qualify for the £300 towards your writing bill.

    4) Your total spend on the writer may exceed £300 depending on the amount of content you have written together.

    5) To be eligible for the £300 writing grant, you must complete your website content within two months of starting and launch your website within six months of starting.

    6) The free tools provided on this page are provided as is and do not come with a guarantee of accuracy or being up to date.
    Show contact details
    I understand and agree to the following:
    1) This writer is not affiliated or endorsed by Digimax and should not be considered a recommendation.

    2) Transactions between you and the writer are your responsibility and not the concern of Digimax.

    3) You are not obligated to use this writer to qualify for the £300 towards your writing bill.

    4) Your total spend on the writer may exceed £300 depending on the amount of content you have written together.

    5) To be eligible for the £300 writing grant, you must complete your website content within two months of starting and launch your website within six months of starting.

    6) The free tools provided on this page are provided as is and do not come with a guarantee of accuracy or being up to date.
    Show contact details
    Jeanne Naylor

    Telephone: 07944 183 904 (8.30am – 6.00pm) Monday-Friday
    I understand and agree to the following:
    1) This writer is not affiliated or endorsed by Digimax and should not be considered a recommendation.
    2) Transactions between you and the writer are your responsibility and not the concern of Digimax.
    3) You are not obligated to use this writer to qualify for the £300 towards your writing bill.
    4) Your total spend on the writer may exceed £300 depending on the amount of content you have written together.
    5) To be eligible for the £300 writing grant, you must complete your website content within two months of starting and launch your website within six months of starting.
    6) The free tools provided on this page are provided as is and do not come with a guarantee of accuracy or being up to date.
    Show contact details
    I understand and agree to the following:
    1) This writer is not affiliated or endorsed by Digimax and should not be considered a recommendation.

    2) Transactions between you and the writer are your responsibility and not the concern of Digimax.

    3) You are not obligated to use this writer to qualify for the £300 towards your writing bill.

    4) Your total spend on the writer may exceed £300 depending on the amount of content you have written together.

    5) To be eligible for the £300 writing grant, you must complete your website content within two months of starting and launch your website within six months of starting.

    6) The free tools provided on this page are provided as is and do not come with a guarantee of accuracy or being up to date.
    Show contact details
    I understand and agree to the following:
    1) This writer is not affiliated or endorsed by Digimax and should not be considered a recommendation.

    2) Transactions between you and the writer are your responsibility and not the concern of Digimax.

    3) You are not obligated to use this writer to qualify for the £300 towards your writing bill.

    4) Your total spend on the writer may exceed £300 depending on the amount of content you have written together.

    5) To be eligible for the £300 writing grant, you must complete your website content within two months of starting and launch your website within six months of starting.

    6) The free tools provided on this page are provided as is and do not come with a guarantee of accuracy or being up to date.
    Show contact details
    Annie May Taylor

    Telephone: 07704 413 515 (10.00am – 6.00pm) Monday-Friday
    I understand and agree to the following:
    1) This writer is not affiliated or endorsed by Digimax and should not be considered a recommendation.
    2) Transactions between you and the writer are your responsibility and not the concern of Digimax.
    3) You are not obligated to use this writer to qualify for the £300 towards your writing bill.
    4) Your total spend on the writer may exceed £300 depending on the amount of content you have written together.
    5) To be eligible for the £300 writing grant, you must complete your website content within two months of starting and launch your website within six months of starting.
    6) The free tools provided on this page are provided as is and do not come with a guarantee of accuracy or being up to date.
    Show contact details
    I understand and agree to the following:
    1) This writer is not affiliated or endorsed by Digimax and should not be considered a recommendation.

    2) Transactions between you and the writer are your responsibility and not the concern of Digimax.

    3) You are not obligated to use this writer to qualify for the £300 towards your writing bill.

    4) Your total spend on the writer may exceed £300 depending on the amount of content you have written together.

    5) To be eligible for the £300 writing grant, you must complete your website content within two months of starting and launch your website within six months of starting.

    6) The free tools provided on this page are provided as is and do not come with a guarantee of accuracy or being up to date.
    Show contact details
    I understand and agree to the following:
    1) This writer is not affiliated or endorsed by Digimax and should not be considered a recommendation.

    2) Transactions between you and the writer are your responsibility and not the concern of Digimax.

    3) You are not obligated to use this writer to qualify for the £300 towards your writing bill.

    4) Your total spend on the writer may exceed £300 depending on the amount of content you have written together.

    5) To be eligible for the £300 writing grant, you must complete your website content within two months of starting and launch your website within six months of starting.

    6) The free tools provided on this page are provided as is and do not come with a guarantee of accuracy or being up to date.
    Show contact details